How do I share a Canal+ Séries subscription?
All invitations are by shared login, and a subscription can include from 2 to 4 users. First of all, you need to have an account:

To do this, you need to fill in the following information (see image below):

You can now manage the accounts linked to your subscription.

Or add an extra profile .

That's it! Your account is now shared ☺
Please note Before you start, if you want to share your canal+ séries account, we advise you to use a dedicated password !
In fact, by communicating your password, you give de facto access to the administration of your Canal+ séries subscription. That's why we suggest you only share your account with people you know (friends, family, roommates, etc.).
We remind you that our service operates on the basis of goodwill and trust between owner and subscriber. We therefore kindly ask you to respect Spliiit's GTC in order to benefit from the best possible experience.
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