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Save on subscriptions by joining the world's largest co-subscription community.
More than 100 shareable
How does it work?
We connect subscription owners with co-subscribers looking for an available seat, while guaranteeing complete transaction security.
Submit your free seats
We secure your co-subscribers' payments.
Join a subscription
Access subscriptions you are interested in and enjoy it. No strings attached.
More than a million Spliiiters trust us
Spliiit has revolutionized the way I share my subscriptions. Security is top-notch and customer service is very responsive. I will not hesitate to recommend this application to all my contacts.
This service is brilliant! It’s very easy to use and saves you money when everything is going up everywhere! Especially subscriptions cost! I really recommend it!
I’ve been using this service for Spotify for several months now. Everything is automated and I receive payments every month. I have nothing to complain about.
I love this site. Sharing accounts that you don’t use is a really good idea. I don’t have to ask for the money back, the site takes care of everything.
This is a really great service, which is easy to use and saves you a lot of money, whether you offer the subscription (which means you get the money back), or whether you join a new one and pay a lot less. Absolutely brilliant!
A wide range of subscriptions for all your needs
Questions & answers
Why are subscriptions so affordable?
Is it legal to share subscriptions via Spliiit ?
Is Spliiit secure?
Can I cancel or stop sharing a subscription?
Do I lose my favorites when I share my subscription?
What happens if, after I've paid, my subscription access doesn't work?