How can I share my Simply subscription (Piano and Guitar)?
So you're using Spliiit to share your Simply account?
In this article, we'll give you the best practices to adopt so that everything goes smoothly.
This subscription is shared by email invitation:
1. The owner provides his email address to the co-subscriber on Spliiit.
2. After downloading one of the Simply applications, the co-subscriber will need to log in using the owner's email address. The application will then ask for a 4-digit code, which the owner will have received by email.

3. Once the co-subscriber enters the code, he/she will have access to the owner's account.

4. Co-subscribers, remember to create your own profile on the application, so that everyone can keep track of their progress!
Now you know everything 👍🏻! Time to get started 😃
Please note: We remind you that our service operates on the basis of goodwill and trust between owner and subscriber. We therefore ask you to respect Spliiit's GTC in order to benefit from the best possible experience .
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