How do I share my Microsoft 365 Family subscription?
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Sharing this service is by invitation only. No shared login is required.
If you have purchased Microsoft 365 Family, you can share the benefits of your subscription with up to five other people in your household, at no extra cost.
👑 The sharing method for the owner
1️⃣ Log in to your Microsoft account.
2️⃣ Go to the Sharing page.
3️⃣ On the Sharing page, click on Start sharing.
4️⃣ Invite your co-subscriber by entering his or her e-mail address or by copying the link to send it via the channel of your choice (SMS, WhatsApp, Messenger...).
👤 The sharing method for the co-subscriber
1️⃣ Open the e-mail.
2️⃣ Click on join and connect to your Microsoft account or create one if necessary.
3️⃣ Follow the instructions.
You're all set! You're ready to use the Microsoft 365 suite!
Spliiit only offers Microsoft Home sharing. Microsoft Business and Student subscriptions cannot be shared.
Frequently asked questions
Why are subscriptions so affordable?
Can I cancel or stop sharing a subscription?
Is Spliiit secure?