How do I share my Dashlane subscription?
So you're using Spliiit to share your DASHLANE account?
In this article, we'll give you the best practices to adopt so that everything goes smoothly.
Dashlane automatically creates, saves and enters your passwords, but that's not all. Find out how Dashlane can make your online life simpler and more secure.
Note : the Family package is not currently available on the Mac App Store.
You can share your account with up to five other people via an invitation link. Simply share a link with the person you wish to invite: they will be invited to register by entering their e-mail address, or to enter the e-mail address associated with their Dashlane account if they are already a member. Each member of the package has the same space as any other Premium user: 5 GB to store your items in the Cloud, and unlimited backup of passwords and data.
Now you know everything! Your passwords are now safe! 🔐
Please note: We remind you that our service operates on the basis of goodwill and trust between owner and subscriber. We therefore ask you to respect Spliiit's GTC in order to benefit from the best possible experience .
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