How do I share my MAX subscription?
In this article, we'll explain how to share the MAX streaming platform, so that everything goes as smoothly as possible. " MAX" is the successor to the HBO Max platform.
Use a specific password for sharing
You can share your MAX account with up to 3 people, depending on the shared plan.
To share your MAX subscription, you need to share your login details via Spliiit.
Profile creation

To create the best sharing experience for everyone, it's best to create a profile for each member of the subscription.
Everyone can then create personalized lists to view the content that interests them.
🍿 Now all you have to do is log on and enjoy the films available!
Before you begin, if you wish to share your MAX account, we advise you to use a specific password for sharing. When you share your password, you give de facto access to part of the management of your MAX subscription. We therefore advise you to share your account only with people you know (friends, family, flatmates, etc.).
Important: We remind you that our service operates on the basis of trust and goodwill between the owner and the co-subscriber. Please respect the Spliiit terms and conditions to get the most out of our service.
Frequently asked questions
Do I lose my favorites when I share my subscription?
Can I cancel or stop sharing a subscription?