84% of Europeans are considering giving up some of their leisure subscriptions because of rising prices!

Subscriptions have become part of our lives... and our wallets! But in times of crisis, there are no small savings. As prices soar, Europeans are forgoing certain leisure-related expenses. 84% are considering cancelling all or part of their cultural subscriptions. Here's how, according to a survey conducted by Spliiit.

Subscriptions: too much money
Subscriptions are expensive. Between phone bills, transport cards and gas or electricity bills, the budget is already well under way. Add to that a streaming platform account, a Spotify subscription or a fitness membership, and the numbers are in the red! But in a time of galloping inflation, Europeans may well be more watchful of certain expenses. 73% consider subscription prices to be expensive. This figure rises to 78% among Italians. They are followed by the French (71%) and the Spanish (70%), who are only slightly more lenient.

Something to worry subscription operators? Possibly. In fact, more than 8 out of 10 Europeans (84%) say that rising prices are forcing them to give up some of their subscriptions. For the same reasons, 39% of the French, 30% of Italians and 28% of Spaniards have no plans to take out a new subscription before the end of the year.

Threat to a solid business model
These percentages are all the more striking given that Europeans are addicted to leisure subscriptions. The French in particular: on average, they spend between €10 and €20! In detail, 21% spend between €20 and €30 per month, and 24% more than €30 per month. By way of comparison, these figures fall to 18% and 19% respectively among Italians, and 16% and 13% among Spaniards.

Spanish consumers are also those who spend the least overall on their subscriptions. 13% spend less than €5 (compared with 10% of French and 11% of Italians) and 33%, or 1 in 3 Spaniards, spend between €10 and €20 a month (compared with 25% of French and 27% of Italians).

To each his own!
With the purchasing power of Europeans no longer extensible, the numerous subscription offers find themselves in de facto competition. And from one country to the next, preferences are very similar. Music streaming platforms and cloud solutions are unanimously favored, with 70% and 59% of consumers respectively using them more than 5 times a week. SVOD (51% use them more than 5 times/week) and video game services (30% use them more than 5 times/week) are also very popular, and close the top 4 in Europe in terms of subscription priorities.

The Spliiit study does, however, highlight a number of specific national characteristics. For example, the French are more inclined towards security solutions (54% use them 5 times a week, compared with 50% of Italians and 43% of Spaniards), and are more avid readers (38% use their online reading subscription more than 5 times a week, compared with 26% of Spaniards and 24% of Italians). Spaniards, meanwhile, are particularly fond of VOD platforms (55% use these services more than 5 times a week), while Italians are fond of wellness subscriptions (30% use them more than 5 times a week).

This study was carried out among a sample of 6,526 European users (including 3,415 French users, 1,607 Italian users and 1,504 Spanish users) in May 2023.

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