Allgemeine Bedingungen für die Nutzung
Effective date :
October 21, 2020
1. Purpose
These general terms and conditions of use apply without restriction or reservation to all services offered by the company SPLIIIT on the website (hereinafter the "Site").
The Site is a platform that brings together users (hereinafter the "Owners") who have subscriptions (hereinafter the "Subscriptions") to a certain number of entertainment sites and platforms offered by distributors (hereinafter the "Distributors") and which may benefit several users, and users who would like to subscribe to one or more of these sites and platforms (hereinafter the "Subscribers").
Owners and Subscribers are hereinafter referred to together as "Users".
The Site enables Owners and Subscribers to share the price of the Subscriptions concerned (hereinafter referred to as the "Services").
The purpose of these general terms and conditions is to define the terms and conditions of use of the Services and to define the rights and obligations of the parties in this context.
They can be accessed and printed at any time via a direct link at the bottom of the Site page.
These general terms and conditions of sale take precedence over any other general or special terms and conditions not expressly approved by SPLIIIT.
They may be supplemented, where applicable, by specific terms and conditions of use for certain Services, which supplement these general terms and conditions and, in the event of contradiction, take precedence over the latter.
2. Site and Services operator, contact
The Site and Services are operated by SPLIIIT, a simplified joint stock company with capital of 71,280.00 euros, registered in the Troyes Trade and Companies Register under number 850 505 694, whose registered office is located at 2 rue Gustave Eiffel, 10430 Rosières-près-Troyes (France).
SPLIIIT can be contacted at the following address, in particular for any complaints:
Postal address: 2 rue Gustave Eiffel, 10430 Rosières-près-Troyes (France)
E-Mail address :
3. Access to the Site and Services
3.1 Legal capacity
The Site and Services are accessible :
- to any natural person who has full legal capacity to enter into commitments under these General Terms and Conditions. Any natural person who does not have full legal capacity may only access the Site and Services with the agreement of their legal representative;
- any legal person acting through a natural person who has the power or authority required to enter into a contract in the name and on behalf of the legal person.
3.2 Site and Services intended for private individuals
The Site and Services are intended exclusively for private individuals and are not intended for professional use, understood as any use directly or indirectly related to a remunerated activity carried out on a non-casual basis in all sectors of industry and commerce.
4. Acceptance of terms and conditions
Acceptance of these terms and conditions is evidenced by a checkbox on the registration form. This acceptance must be full and complete. Any conditional acceptance is considered null and void. Users who do not agree to be bound by these terms and conditions must not access the Site or use the Services.
5. Articulation with the Distributors' intervention and general conditions
Users are expressly informed and accept that they are contracting directly with the Distributor offering the Subscription concerned, by accepting the Distributor's terms and conditions through a checkbox when registering on the Site.
6. Site registration
To use the Services, the User must:
- either complete the registration form available on the Site;
- or be registered with one of the third-party sites indicated on the Site and use his/her login details for said third-party site to register with the Site. In this case, the User must provide SPLIIIT with any additional information requested. The User expressly authorizes SPLIIIT to access his/her account data on the third-party site concerned.
In all cases, the User must provide all information marked as mandatory. Incomplete registrations will not be validated.
A user account corresponds to a physical person, and only one user account is authorized per person.
Registration automatically leads to the opening of an account in the User's name (hereinafter the "Account"), giving him/her access to a personal space (hereinafter the "Personal Space") which enables him/her to manage his/her use of the Services in a form and using the technical means that SPLIIIT deems most appropriate for rendering said Services.
The User guarantees that all the information he/she provides in the registration form or via the third-party sites referred to above is accurate, up-to-date and sincere, and is not misleading in any way.
He/she undertakes to update this information in his/her Personal Space in the event of any modifications (in particular in the event of a change of e-mail address), so that it still corresponds to the aforementioned criteria.
The User is hereby informed and accepts that the information entered for the purposes of creating or updating his/her Account constitutes proof of his/her identity. The information entered by the User is binding as soon as it has been validated.
The User may access his or her Personal Space at any time by entering his or her login and password.
The User undertakes to use the Services personally and not to allow any third party to use them in his place or on his behalf, unless he assumes full responsibility for doing so.
The User is likewise responsible for maintaining the confidentiality and security of his login and password, any access to the Site using the latter being deemed to have been made by the User. The User must immediately contact SPLIIIT at the address given in article 2 hereof if he notices that his Account has been used without his knowledge. The User acknowledges SPLIIIT 's right to take all appropriate measures in such a case.
7. Dauer der Dienste
SPLIIIT bietet verschiedene Angebote für die Subskription von Diensten (die " Angebote ") an, die je nach der gewählten Subskriptionsdauer für die Dienste variieren.
- Das klassische Angebot (das " klassische Angebot "), in dessen Rahmen die Dienste für eine unbestimmte Dauer abonniert werden.
- Das Angebot Spliiit + (das " Angebot Spliiit +"), das auf einem Abonnement beruht. Das Abonnement beginnt am Tag des Abschlusses des Abonnements für einen Zeitraum von zunächst 12 Monaten.
Es verlängert sich stillschweigend um aufeinanderfolgende Zeiträume von gleicher Dauer wie der Anfangszeitraum (zusammen mit dem Anfangszeitraum die " Zeiträume ") von Datum zu Datum, es sei denn, das Abonnement wird gemäß den Bedingungen des Artikels "Beendigung der Dienste" gekündigt.
Gemäß Artikel L215-1 des Verbrauchergesetzbuches:
"Bei Verträgen über die Erbringung von Dienstleistungen, die für eine bestimmte Dauer mit einer stillschweigenden Verlängerungsklausel geschlossen wurden, informiert der Gewerbetreibende, der die Dienstleistung erbringt, den Verbraucher schriftlich in einem auf seinen Namen lautenden Brief oder per E-Mail frühestens drei Monate und spätestens einen Monat vor Ablauf des Zeitraums, der die Ablehnung der Verlängerung erlaubt, über die Möglichkeit, den Vertrag, den er mit einer stillschweigenden Verlängerungsklausel geschlossen hat, nicht zu verlängern. Diese Information, die in klaren und verständlichen Worten erteilt wird, nennt in einem auffälligen Kasten die Frist für die Nichtverlängerung.
Wenn diese Information nicht gemäß den Bestimmungen des ersten Unterabsatzes an den Verbraucher gerichtet wurde, kann der Verbraucher den Vertrag jederzeit ab dem Datum der Verlängerung kostenlos kündigen.
Vorschüsse, die nach dem letzten Verlängerungsdatum oder - bei unbefristeten Verträgen - nach dem Datum der Umwandlung des ursprünglichen befristeten Vertrags geleistet wurden, werden in diesem Fall innerhalb von dreißig Tagen nach dem Kündigungsdatum abzüglich der Beträge, die bis zu diesem Datum der Vertragserfüllung entsprechen, zurückgezahlt. Die Bestimmungen dieses Artikels gelten unbeschadet der Bestimmungen, die bestimmte Verträge rechtlich besonderen Vorschriften über die Unterrichtung des Verbrauchers unterwerfen."
8. Beschreibung der Dienste
Prior to any online subscription, and in particular in application of the provisions of article L111-1 of the French Consumer Code, the User may view the Services on the Site.
8.1 Dienstleistungen für Eigentümer
Die Einzelheiten des Inhalts der Angebote sind auf der Website angegeben.
Owners who have one or more Subscriptions open to several Users with one of the Distributors registered by SPLIIIT may offer their Subscription(s) for sharing on the Site.
If the Distributor of the Subscription concerned is not registered by SPLIIIT, the Owner may offer to add this Distributor directly to the Site, under the conditions described on the Site.
The Owner acknowledges and accepts that it may only offer on the Site Subscriptions which, in accordance with the Distributors' general terms and conditions, are open to several Users. In this respect, SPLIIIT will refuse to share any Subscription that does not meet this criterion.
The Owner who receives a Subscription request via the Site undertakes to respond to this request within 48 hours of receipt.
If no response is received within this time, the Subscription request will be cancelled.
If the Subscription request is confirmed within the above time limit, the Subscriber who made the request will have access to the Owner's Subscription via a link that will be sent to him/her directly by the Owner, within 24 hours of confirmation of the request, via the message service provided on the Site.
If the Owner fails to send the link within this period, the Owner's account will be blocked and SPLIIIT will refund the Subscriber the amount of the Subscription already paid.
The amount corresponding to the Subscriber's share of the Subscription will be paid by SPLIIIT into the Owner's balance. In this respect, the Owner may provide SPLIIIT with all the documents requested and in particular its IBAN, so that it can pay the amounts concerned into a bank account from its balance. The Owner may also decide to use the funds available in his/her balance directly on the Site.
As an exception to the foregoing, the Owner acknowledges and accepts that the amount of the Subscriber's subscription will only be paid to the Owner once SPLIIIT has received the amounts owed by the Subscriber. Consequently, in the event of non-payment by the Subscriber, no refund may be made by SPLIIIT to the Owner.
In the event that the Owner terminates one of its Subscriptions, its Subscription will remain available to Subscribers for 30 (thirty) days following payment of the Subscription by the last of the Subscribers to have made the payment.
SPLIIIT also makes the Site available to Owners to share Subscriptions privately with persons of their choice. In this case, the Owner acknowledges and accepts that SPLIIIT exercises no control over the sharing of Subscriptions carried out by the Owner and only acts as an agent providing payment services in the relationship between Owners and the persons concerned by the sharing.
8.2 Dienste, die den Abonnenten zur Verfügung gestellt werden
The Subscriber who wishes to take out a Subscription via the Site acknowledges and accepts that his or her subscription is subject to acceptance by the Owner concerned by the Subscription.
In the event of a positive response to this request by the Owner concerned, the Subscriber will receive confirmation by any written means, and in particular by e-mail.
No cancellation of the request is possible within one hour of the request being made. At the end of this period, the Subscriber is free to cancel the request as long as no response has been received from the Owner.
The Subscriber acknowledges and accepts that upon receipt of the Owner's confirmation, the amount corresponding to the first month's Subscription will be debited from SPLIIIT , in accordance with the conditions set out in the "Financial Conditions" article.
The Subscriber may choose to make several simultaneous Subscription requests for the same Distributor. In this case, the Subscriber acknowledges and accepts that in the event of simultaneous positive responses to these requests by the Owners, SPLIIIT will not reimburse the amounts charged.
Should the Owner terminate his/her Subscription, SPLIIIT undertakes to reimburse the Subscriber for the monthly amount of the Subscription, prorated for the number of days remaining until the end of the month of Subscription concerned.
SPLIIIT also makes the Site available to Owners to share Subscriptions privately with persons of their choice. In this case, the Subscriber acknowledges and accepts that SPLIIIT exercises no control over the private Subscriptions offered by an Owner and acts only as a payment service agent in the relationship between Owners and Subscribers.Consequently, no refund can be made in the event that the Subscriber accesses a private offer proposed outside the platform.
8.3 Nachrichtenübermittlung
Users also have access to a messaging system enabling them to communicate with other Users, under the conditions described on the Site.
The User is expressly informed and accepts that SPLIIIT may access messages exchanged by Users via this messaging system at any time, and may use them to assert its rights, particularly in the event of legal action.
8.4 Botschafterprogramm
In addition to the Services described on the Site, SPLIIIT offers Users an ambassadors program (hereinafter the “Ambassadors Program”), the terms and conditions of access to which are also described on the Site.
In addition to these terms and conditions, Users wishing to participate in the Ambassadors Program must also accept the rules and regulations relating to the Ambassadors Program, by ticking a box when registering for the Ambassadors Program.
8.5 Technische Unterstützung
SPLIIIT bietet dem Nutzer einen technischen Support an, der auf der Website zugänglich ist und es ihm ermöglicht, alle Schwierigkeiten zu melden, die bei der Nutzung der Dienste auftreten. In diesem Zusammenhang erkennt der Nutzer an und akzeptiert, dass SPLIIIT sich im Rahmen dieser technischen Unterstützung die Möglichkeit vorbehält, auf das Konto des Nutzers zuzugreifen.
9. Finanzielle Bedingungen
9.1 Preis
- Im Rahmen des Klassischen Angebots :
Die Dienstleistungen werden den Eigentümern von SPLIIIT kostenlos zur Verfügung gestellt, mit Ausnahme der Kosten für die Kontaktaufnahme, die auf der Website detailliert aufgeführt sind.
Im Rahmen der Bereitstellung der Dienstleistungen für die Abonnenten erhält SPLIIIT eine Provision, deren Höhe auf der Website angegeben ist.
- Im Rahmen des Angebots Spliiit + :
Der Nutzer ist nur zur Zahlung des Preises für sein Abonnement verpflichtet, dessen Höhe auf der Website angegeben ist, unter Ausschluss jeglicher Vermittlungsgebühren oder Provisionen.
Sofern nicht anders angegeben, sind die Preise in Euro und inklusive aller französischen Steuern angegeben.
SPLIIIT behält sich das Recht vor, nach eigenem Ermessen und auf eine Art und Weise, über die sie allein entscheidet, Werbeangebote oder Preisreduzierungen anzubieten.
9.2 Preisanpassung
The prices referred to in the article "Prices" may be revised by SPLIIIT at any time, at its own discretion.
The User will be informed of these modifications by SPLIIIT by any useful written means (and in particular by e-mail) at least 1 (one) month before the new prices come into effect.
Once they have come into effect, the new prices will apply when the Subscription is renewed.
9.3 Rechnungsstellung
The Services are subject to receipts which are made available to the User on his/her Personal Space.
9.4 Zahlungsmodalitäten
Payment of the Subscription price is made by direct debit using the User's credit card number.
Direct debit is implemented by Lemonway (See Lemonway Terms and Conditions), which alone retains the User's bank details for this purpose. SPLIIIT does not retain any bank details.
The price of the Subscription is due and is debited on the day the Subscription is taken out, then on the anniversary date of each renewal.
The User guarantees SPLIIIT that he/she has the necessary authorizations to use the chosen method of payment. The User undertakes to take the necessary steps to ensure that the Subscription price can be debited automatically.
9.5 Ausgleich
The User expressly accepts that all obligations to pay sums of money arising between him/her and SPLIIIT, which are not subject to dispute as to their due date and amount, shall be set off against each other, ipso jure and without formality, whether or not the conditions for legal set-off have been met. This set-off shall not, however, have the effect of releasing the parties from their accounting obligations, in particular with regard to the issue of invoices.
9.6 Zahlungsverzug und Zahlungsvorfälle
The User is hereby informed and expressly accepts that any delay in payment of all or part of a sum due on its due date will automatically result, after 3 (three) unsuccessful direct debit attempts, in the immediate suspension of the Services in progress until full payment of all sums due by the User, without prejudice to the provisions of the "Penalties for default" and "Resolution" articles.
When communicating bank details, the User is required to provide accurate information.
10. Express waiver of right of withdrawal
Die Nutzer werden darüber informiert, dass für Verträge über Dienstleistungen, die im Fernabsatz zwischen einem Gewerbetreibenden und einem Verbraucher geschlossen werden, grundsätzlich ein Widerrufsrecht gilt, das innerhalb von 14 (vierzehn) Tagen nach Abschluss des Vertrags auszuüben ist.
Sie werden jedoch ausdrücklich darüber informiert und akzeptieren, dass die Dienstleistungen ihnen ab ihrer Registrierung zur Verfügung gestellt werden und somit vor Ablauf der oben genannten Widerrufsfrist vollständig ausgeführt werden. Folglich verzichten sie ausdrücklich auf ihr Widerrufsrecht, das daher gemäß Artikel L.221-28 des Verbraucherschutzgesetzes nicht ausgeübt werden kann.
11. Evidence agreement
The User expressly acknowledges and accepts:
(i) that the data collected on the Site and the computer equipment of SPLIIIT are proof of the reality of the operations carried out within the framework of the present contract;
(ii) that these data constitute the principal means of proof accepted between the parties, in particular for the calculation of sums due to SPLIIIT.
The User can access these data in his Personal Space.
12. Obligations of the User
Without prejudice to the other obligations set forth herein, the User undertakes to comply with the following obligations.
12.1 In using the Services, the User undertakes to comply with the laws and regulations in force and not to infringe the rights of third parties or public order.
12.2 The User acknowledges that he/she has familiarized himself/herself on the Site with the characteristics and constraints, particularly technical, of all the Services. The User is solely responsible for his or her use of the Services, and in particular for the relationships he or she may establish with other Users and the information he or she may communicate to them in the context of the Services, and in particular via the messaging system. It is the User's responsibility to exercise appropriate caution and discernment in these relationships and communications. The User also undertakes to respect the usual rules of politeness and courtesy when dealing with other Users.
In this respect, the Subscriber acknowledges and accepts that he/she undertakes not to modify the information relating to the Owner's Subscription and available when connecting to the Distributor's site, in particular the Owner's contact details and payment information.
The Subscriber is also responsible for maintaining the confidentiality of the login and password and undertakes in this respect not to communicate them to any third party and to use them for purely personal purposes.
The Subscriber also acknowledges and accepts that the Subscription may only be used in the geographical area specified in the Distributor's general terms and conditions. Consequently, in the event of an attempt to connect outside the specified geographical area, the Subscriber undertakes to inform the Owner in order to avoid any suspicion of fraud.
The Owner acknowledges and accepts that by offering a Subscription on the Site, he/she undertakes to be the owner of the Subscription concerned. In the event of any doubt as to the ownership of a Subscription, SPLIIIT reserves the right to cancel the Owner's access to the Services under the conditions set out in the "Sanctions for breach" article of this Contract.
Furthermore, the Owner undertakes to offer on the Site only Subscriptions (i) allowing the simultaneous connection of several users and (ii) subscribed in his country of residence.
Finally, the Owner is authorized to offer the Subscription on the Site during a free trial period on condition that the Subscription is renewed at the end of the trial period. In the event of non-renewal, SPLIIIT reserves the right to suspend the Owner's access to the Services under the conditions set out in the "Penalties for non-compliance" article.
12.3 The User undertakes to make strictly personal use of the Services. Consequently, the User undertakes not to assign, concede or transfer all or part of his rights or obligations hereunder to a third party in any manner whatsoever.
12.4 The User undertakes to provide SPLIIIT with all necessary information and, more generally, to cooperate actively with SPLIIIT with a view to the proper performance hereof.
12.5 The User is solely responsible for the content of any kind (editorial, graphic, audio, audiovisual or other, including any name and/or image chosen by the User to identify him/her on the Site) that he/she distributes as part of the Services (hereinafter referred to as the "Content").
The User warrants to SPLIIIT that he/she has all the rights and authorizations required to distribute such Content.
The User undertakes to ensure that such Content is lawful, does not infringe public order, public decency or the rights of third parties, does not violate any legislative or regulatory provision and, more generally, is in no way likely to incur the civil or criminal liability of SPLIIIT.
The User thus refrains from disseminating, in particular and without this list being exhaustive :
- Content that is pornographic, obscene, indecent, shocking or unsuitable for a family audience, defamatory, insulting, violent, racist, xenophobic or revisionist,
- Infringing Content,
- Content that impugns the image of a third party,
- misleading or deceptive Content or Content proposing or promoting illicit, fraudulent or deceptive activities,
- Content that is harmful to third-party computer systems (such as viruses, worms, Trojan horses, etc.), - and in general, Content that is harmful to third-party computer systems (such as viruses, worms, Trojan horses, etc.).),
- and more generally Content likely to infringe the rights of third parties or to be prejudicial to third parties, in any manner or form whatsoever.
12.6 The User acknowledges that the Services offer an additional, non-alternative solution for accessing Distributors' Subscriptions, and that this solution is not a substitute for any other means the User may have at his disposal to achieve the same objective.
12.7 The User is hereby informed and accepts that the implementation of the Services requires him/her to be connected to the Internet, and that the quality of the Services depends directly on this connection, for which he/she alone is responsible.
12.8 Establishing a relationship through the Site subjects the User to specific obligations, in particular with regard to tax and social security. To find out which obligations apply to the User according to his or her own situation, the User is invited to consult the websites and practical information sheets put online by the French Treasury and Social Security, which can be accessed via the links below:
- Tax obligations (Click here);
- Social obligations (Click here).
The User is solely responsible for complying with all administrative, fiscal and/or social formalities, and for paying all contributions, taxes or duties of any kind that may be required in connection with the use of the Services. SPLIIIT cannot be held liable in any way in this respect.
13. User warranty
The User guarantees SPLIIIT against all complaints, claims, actions and/or demands whatsoever that SPLIIIT may suffer as a result of the User's breach of any of his obligations or guarantees under the present terms and conditions.
The User undertakes to compensate SPLIIIT for any loss it may suffer and to pay all costs, charges and/or judgments that it may have to bear as a result.
14. Prohibited behaviour
14.1 It is strictly forbidden to use the Services for the following purposes:
- carrying out illegal, fraudulent activities or activities that infringe the rights or security of third parties,
- undermining public order or violating applicable laws and regulations,
- intruding into a third party's computer system or any activity of a nature to harm, control, interfere with or intercept all or part of a third party's computer system, violate its integrity or security,
- sending unsolicited e-mails and/or commercial prospecting or solicitation,
- manipulations intended to improve the referencing of a third-party site,
- using the Site to distribute information or links redirecting to a third-party site,
- aiding or inciting, in any form and in any manner whatsoever, one or more of the acts and activities described above,
- and more generally any practice diverting the Services to purposes other than those for which they were designed.
14.2 Users are strictly forbidden to copy and/or misappropriate for their own purposes or those of third parties the concept, technologies, all or part of the data or any other element of the SPLIIIT site.
14.3 The following are also strictly prohibited (i) any behaviour likely to interrupt, suspend, slow down or prevent the continuity of the Services, (ii) any intrusions or attempted intrusions into the systems of SPLIIIT, (iii) any misappropriation of the Site's system resources, (iv) any actions likely to impose a disproportionate load on the latter's infrastructures, (v) any breach of security and authentication measures, (vi) any act likely to prejudice the financial, commercial or moral rights and interests of SPLIIIT or users of its Site, and more generally (vii) any breach of these terms and conditions.
14.4 It is strictly forbidden to monetize, sell or grant all or part of access to the Services or the Site, or to the information hosted and/or shared therein.
15. Penalties for breaches
In the event of a breach of any of the provisions of these terms and conditions or, more generally, an infringement of the laws and regulations in force by a User, SPLIIIT reserves the right to take any appropriate measure and, in particular, to :
(i) suspend or remove access to the Services of the User who has committed or participated in the breach or infringement,
(ii) remove any Content posted on the Site in connection with the breach or infringement in question, in whole or in part,
(iii) publish on the Site any information message that SPLIIIT deems useful,
(iv) warn any competent authority, cooperate with them and provide them with all information useful for the investigation and repression of illegal or illicit activities,
(v) take any legal action.
SPLIIIT also reserves the right to terminate the User's access to the Services :
- either ipso jure, fifteen (15) days after receipt by the User of a formal notice that has remained without effect, sent by registered letter with acknowledgement of receipt, mentioning the intention to apply the present clause,
- or in the event of the repetition of a breach previously reported by registered letter with acknowledgement of receipt, the termination then taking effect ipso jure on the date of dispatch of the registered letter with acknowledgement of receipt mentioning the repeated breach, without prejudice to any damages that may be claimed from the User.
Termination automatically entails deletion of the User's Account, without prejudice to any other consequences that may arise in application of the present terms and conditions.
15.1 Penalties
Im Falle eines schwerwiegenden Verstoßes des Nutzers gegen die Bestimmungen dieser Allgemeinen Geschäftsbedingungen
(einschließlich, aber nicht beschränkt auf das Teilen gestohlener Konten, die Verwendung gefälschter Ausweispapiere, Identitätsdiebstahl, die Erstellung mehrerer Konten oder Käufe über das Konto des Eigentümers) behält sich SPLIIIT das Recht vor, dem Nutzer eine Strafgebühr in Höhe von 99 Euro in Rechnung zu stellen. Diese Strafgebühr wird direkt vom Guthaben des Nutzers abgezogen, solange der verfügbare Betrag nicht überschritten wird.
Sollte das Guthaben des Nutzers nicht ausreichen, um die Strafgebühr zu begleichen, wird der gesamte verfügbare Betrag abgezogen und die Differenz dem Nutzer in Rechnung gestellt, der die entsprechende Rechnung innerhalb von 30 Tagen begleichen muss.
Wenn das Guthaben des Nutzers leer ist, wird die Strafgebühr dem Nutzer in Rechnung gestellt.
16. Liability and warranty of SPLIIIT
16.1 SPLIIIT undertakes to provide the Services diligently and in accordance with the rules of the trade, it being specified that it has an obligation of means, to the exclusion of any obligation of result, which the Users expressly acknowledge and accept.
16.2 SPLIIIT has no knowledge of the Content uploaded by Users as part of the Services, which it does not moderate, select, verify or control in any way, and with respect to which it acts only as a hosting service provider.
Consequently, SPLIIIT cannot be held responsible for Content whose authors are third parties, and any claim must be directed in the first instance to the author of the Content in question.
Content that is prejudicial to a third party may be notified to SPLIIIT in accordance with article 6 I 5 of law no. 2004-575 of June 21, 2004 for confidence in the digital economy. SPLIIIT reserves the right to take the measures described in the article "Sanctions for breaches".
16.3 SPLIIIT acts as a broker in that it provides Owners and Subscribers with technical tools and resources enabling them to enter into contact for the purposes of subscribing to Subscriptions via the Site. Its responsibility is limited to providing these means, as described herein, and to putting Owners and Subscribers in contact with each other.
SPLIIIT acts in its own name and does not enter into any legal act in the name and on behalf of Owners or Subscribers, who contract directly with each other.
SPLIIIT is not a party to the contracts concluded between Owners and Subscribers, and cannot under any circumstances be held liable for any difficulties that may arise during the conclusion or performance of these contracts, nor be a party to any disputes that may arise between Owners and Subscribers concerning Subscriptions, guarantees, declarations and any other obligations to which Owners or Subscribers may be bound.
However, with a view to constantly improving the quality of the Services, SPLIIIT invites Users to send it any comments or information they may wish to bring to its attention concerning the quality of transactions carried out via the Services.
16.4 SPLIIIT is a payment services agent, registered with the Register of Financial Agents under number 850505694. It is therefore subject to specific obligations which it undertakes to respect.
16.5 SPLIIIT does not guarantee Owners any volume of business that it may achieve through the use of the Services.
16.6 SPLIIIT undertakes to carry out regular checks to verify the operation and accessibility of the Site. In this respect, SPLIIIT reserves the right to temporarily interrupt access to the Site for maintenance purposes. Similarly, SPLIIIT may not be held liable for temporary difficulties or impossibilities in accessing the Site due to circumstances beyond its control, force majeure, or disruptions to telecommunications networks.
16.7 SPLIIIT does not guarantee to Users (i) that the Services, which are subject to constant research to improve their performance and progress, will be totally free of errors, defects or faults, (ii) that the Services, being standard and in no way offered for the sole intention of a given User according to his own personal constraints, will specifically meet his needs and expectations.
16.8 In any event, SPLIIIT 's liability hereunder is expressly limited to proven direct damages suffered by Users.
17. Intellectual property
The systems, software, structures, infrastructures, databases and content of all kinds (text, images, visuals, music, logos, trademarks, databases, etc.) used by SPLIIIT on the Site are protected by all applicable intellectual property rights or database producers' rights. All disassembly, decompilation, decryption, extraction, reuse, copying and, more generally, all acts of reproduction, representation, distribution and use of any of these elements, in whole or in part, without the authorization of SPLIIIT are strictly prohibited and may be subject to legal action.
18. Personal data
SPLIIIT practices a policy of personal data protection, the characteristics of which are set out in the document entitled "Personal data protection charter" the User is expressly invited to read.
19. Links and third-party sites
SPLIIIT cannot be held responsible for the technical availability of websites or mobile applications operated by third parties, including any of its partners and in particular Distributors, to which the User may have access via the Site.
SPLIIIT accepts no responsibility for the content, advertising, products and/or services available on such third-party websites and mobile applications, which are governed by their own terms of use.
SPLIIIT is also not responsible for transactions between Users and Distributors, to whom Users may be directed via the Site, and shall under no circumstances be a party to any disputes whatsoever with such third parties concerning, in particular, the delivery of products and/or services, warranties, representations and any other obligations whatsoever to which such third parties are bound.
20. Force majeure
Under no circumstances may the parties be held liable for any failure or delay in the execution of these general terms and conditions due to a case of force majeure as defined by article 1218 of the French Civil Code and recognized by jurisprudence, as well as, in any event, all acts of strike, terrorism and epidemic.
The occurrence of a case of force majeure suspends performance of the general terms and conditions as soon as one of the parties has received the information sent by registered letter with acknowledgement of receipt from the other party.
If a case of force majeure preventing either party from fulfilling its obligations continues beyond a period of 30 (thirty) days, the general terms and conditions may be terminated immediately and by operation of law, without legal formalities, by either party, by any written means, without either party having to pay the other any compensation whatsoever.
21. Ende der Dienste
- Im Rahmen des Klassischen Angebots kann sich der Nutzer jederzeit von den Diensten abmelden.
- Im Rahmen des Angebots Spliiit + kann der Nutzer die Dienste abbestellen, indem er sein Abonnement jederzeit vor Ablauf der laufenden Periode kündigt.
Die Abmeldung des Nutzers erfolgt über seinen persönlichen Bereich. Die Kündigung durch SPLIIIT erfolgt durch das Senden einer E-Mail an den Nutzer. Die Abmeldung wird innerhalb von maximal 7 (sieben) Tagen nach dieser Aufforderung wirksam. Sie führt zur automatischen Löschung des Benutzerkontos des Nutzers.
22. Änderungen
SPLIIIT behält sich das Recht vor, die vorliegenden Allgemeinen Geschäftsbedingungen jederzeit und bei der Verlängerung des Abonnements des Nutzers im Rahmen des Angebots Spliiit +. zu ändern.
Der registrierte Nutzer wird mindestens dreißig Tage vor Inkrafttreten der Änderungen per E-Mail über diese informiert.
Ein Nutzer, der die geänderten Allgemeinen Geschäftsbedingungen nicht akzeptiert, muss sich gemäß den im Artikel "Dauer der Dienste, Abmeldung" beschriebenen Modalitäten von den Diensten abmelden.
Vorbehaltlich des Artikels "Dauer der Dienste, Abmeldung" wird davon ausgegangen, dass jeder Nutzer, der die Dienste nach dem Inkrafttreten der geänderten Allgemeinen Geschäftsbedingungen in Anspruch nimmt, diese Änderungen akzeptiert hat.
23. Mediation
Der Nutzer hat das Recht, sich kostenlos an einen Verbrauchermediator zu wenden, um Streitigkeiten über die Ausführung der vorliegenden Bedingungen, die er mit SPLIIIT hat, unter den Bedingungen der Artikel L611-1 ff. und R612-1 ff. des Verbraucherschutzgesetzes gütlich beizulegen.
Er kann sich zu diesem Zweck an den folgenden Verbraucher-Ombudsmann wenden:
Centre de médiation et de règlement amiable des huissiers de justice (Medicys)
Postanschrift: 73 Boulevard de Clichy, 75009 Paris
Telefon: 01 49 70 15 93
23. Applicable law
These terms and conditions are governed by French law.